PTET Result 2020 Name Wise यहाँ देंखे Rajasthan PTET Counselling Result, Cut off, Merit List

By | March 12, 2020

PTET Result 2020 Name Wise यहाँ देंखे Rajasthan PTET Counselling Result, Cut off, Merit List

Government Dungar College, Bikaner has been successfully conduct the “PTET-2020 and Pre B.A B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed Test 2020”. Pre Teacher Education Test (PTET) Exam was held on 10th May 2020. After the examination Now Students are waiting for Rajasthan PTET / Pre B.Ed. Result 2020. According to News and Other Sources Government Dungar College, Bikaner is set to declare Rajasthan Pre B.Ed Exam marks in 25th may 2020. All the applicants who are waiting for Rajasthan PTET Result 2020 score card. They must keep stay in touch here for all upcoming updates.

Rajasthan PTET Result 2020 Name Wise

As per the newspapers and previous year Rajasthan PTET Result 2020 source, Government Dungar College, Bikaner PTET (Pre Teacher Eligibility Test)/ Pre B.Ed. the result will expected declare date in 25th May 2020. Rajasthan PTET result will be uploaded to Government Dungar College, Bikaner official website & result web portal i.e. Our Team will be provide direct link to download PTET Result 2020 just after the declaration by the university. Complete details about Pre B.Ed Result is mention in below paragraphs.

PTET Counselling Result 2020 Date 

The PTET stands for Pre Teacher Education Test is a state level entrance test conduct for 2 years courses (Elementary Diploma) after Graduation. Every year the Government Dungar College, Bikaner conducts the PTEST Exam and 4 years B.A B.Ed/ B.Sc B.Ed for 4 years integrated B.A B.Ed and B.Sc B.Ed courses after 12th Standard. Interested candidates participated in this entrance exam. If you have qualifying the PTET Test 2020, the you will be able to take admission in desired courses. Government Dungar College, Bikaner council Department will be release the merit list/ Rank list of shortlisted candidates. Government Dungar College, Bikaner provide the opportunity to get admission through Rajasthan PTET Counselling Process 2020.

PTET Result 2020 Rajasthan Name Wise

As per the latest intimation university may release first time PTET Result 2020 Name wise from this year. If you have lost your roll number and worried about it. Now Rajasthan PTET 2020 Result will be declare by MDSU to check Government Dungar College, Bikaner PTET Result 2020 Name Wise from this page. Government Dungar College, Bikaner PTET (Pre Teacher Eligibility Test)/ Pre B.Ed Result will be declare in upcoming months. We will publish the direct link for the result at the end of the article.

PTET Result 2020 Name Wise यहाँ देंखे Rajasthan PTET Counselling Result, Cut off, Merit List

Raj PTET & Pre B.Ed Entrance Test 2020 Details:

Name of the Organization Government Dungar College, Bikaner
Name of the Exam PTET (Pre Teacher Eligibility Test)/ Pre B.Ed Entrance Test 2020
Date of Exam 10th May 2020
Category University Result
Result Status 25th May 2020
Official Website
Raj Pre B.Ed Result Status Available Soon

Rajasthan PTET 2020 Counselling Result Name Wise 

All the aspirants if you want to take admission in the B.Ed courses offered by the colleges and Universities of Rajasthan. They are passionately waiting for the Rajasthan PTET Result 2020. The seat allotment process will be done on the basis of the marks obtained by the examiners in the Rajasthan PTET 2020. All the Applicants if you qualify the exam will be applicable for the Raj PTET Counselling Process. All Private schools want to show own result in the advertisement. Now you want to compare other school board. They can use PTET (Pre Teacher Eligibility Test) Name Wise Result 2020 in 25th May 2020.  We will also publish a direct link to check Name Wise Result.

Rajasthan PTET Cut Off 2020

If all the candidates performed well and obtained minimum passing marks which is declare by Government Dungar College, Bikaner. The minimum passing marks is know as cut off mark. Candidates who cracked the Raj PTET Cutoff Marks 2020 in both the entrance Exams. Which is conduct only can get the opportunity to attend the Counselling. During the counseling process, applicants can choose their choice of Colleges as per the Rajasthan PTET Rank Card 2020. The Government Dungar College, Bikaner allow the seat in candidates choice of colleges based on candidate’s category and locality and other factors.

Raj PTET Merit List 2020

The Merit list is made on the basis of Rajasthan PTET result along with the category wise/ Course wise merit list on PTET exam performance. The Rajasthan Pre B.Ed Entrance Result 2020 will be declare online on its official website. Aspirants will be notified about the declaration of Rajasthan PTET Exam Results on their registered phone and through newspapers. First candidates open the result link and fill some details related to respective Admit Card such as roll number, date of Birth and password to login the account.

How to check PTET Result 2020 Name Wise Rajasthan PTET Counselling Result, Cut off, Merit List?

  • First open the official website
  • Click on “Direct Link to Check PTET Result”
  • On the board result portal, click on Rajasthan PTET Result 2020.
  • Select Result method Name Wise and Roll number wise
  • For Roll number wise result – enter your roll number and click on get result button
  • For Rajasthan PTET Name Wise Result – Enter your name and father’s name (at least 3 letters of each name) & click on get result.
  • Then print your result and take a print out to use as duplicate PTET board mark sheet.

Click Here >>> Rajasthan Pre B.Ed/ PTET Result 2020

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