JET Lekhpal Result 2019 Accounts Keeper Cut off Marks, Merit List
The ministry of business and commerce recently declared the JET Lekhpal Result 2019 on the officially JET website. We have shared the official website link you can just find the end of this post. Recently Ministry of Business and Commerce has announced the post of Account officers/Clerk/Lekhpal through JET Recruitment Exam 2018. JET Lekhpal Result 2019 is very important for all those students who have to make a career in the government sector. Thousand of students is waiting for JET Accounts Keeper Result 2019. So, you can just visit our website regular basis for the upcoming updates and result notification.
JET Lekhpal Result 2019 Cut off Marks
The latest update is that board yet not released the JET Lekhpal Result 2019 but expected they will announce very soon on the official website. Joint employment test is one of the most valuable examinations. Many candidates field application from different posts every year. Recently The ministry and Commerce has announced the Joint Employment Test lekhpal examination notification on the official website And thousands of student appeared in this examination now all they are waiting for the JET Lekhpal cut off mark 2019. Candidates can visit our website on the regular basis for upcoming updates. Below we have also shared official website link you can just click the link and get more information.
JET Result 2019 Lekhpal Cut off Marks
Latest news comes from the official Sources and other online references joint employment test (JET) JET Lekhpal Cut off Marks 2019 will be declared in the next couple of months. Candidate can download their JET Result 2019 on the official website. But once the board will the upload the JET Cut off Marks list on site after you can download your JET Result 2019 entering your details like name registration number date of birth After you can able to download the result. So, Candidates, our recommendation is you can visit our website on the regular basis for the upcoming updates.
JET Accounts Keeper Cut off Marks 2019 Merit List Downloads
Joint employment test (JET) is very important for those students who have this exam preparation for a long time but now time is over JET Accounts Keeper Cut off Marks 2019 Announce very soon on the official website. After the announcement cutoff marks list student can go for the next step if they get achieve good marks in the examination. Board will also upload shortlist candidate list who go for the next round of interview process. You can check your result using the direct link of the official website below in this article we have provided you just find out what about this article.
Joint Employment Test Lekhpal Result 2019 Date Details
Name of Recruitment Board | Joint Employment Test (JET) |
Name of Post | Lekhpal/Accounts Keeper |
No. of Post | 1167 Post |
Start Date of Online Form | 02-10-2018 |
End Date of Online Form | 08-12-2018 |
Article Category | Result |
Cut off Status | Available Soon |
Result Status | Release Soon |
Official Website | |
JET Lekhpal Merit List 2019 Category Wise
Every exam has a base of the entrance is merit list if candidates got good marks in the examination they will be eligible for the for the further round like document verification and interview process. This webpage will provide you category wise merit list so candidate keeps download JET Lekhpal Merit List 2019, right merit list from the official website. Our team also guides you in this post how to download right merit list from the official website. Candidates can just follow our instruction given by below. So our team will guide you to all your queries. if candidate face any issue or any want to information related to this they can also write us on the comment box below we have provided and after that our team will respond you not that issue as soon as possible.
How to download JET Lekhpal Result 2019 Accounts Keeper Cut off Marks, Merit List?
- Candidates can visit the official website of (JET) below we have given.
- Open the official website and find download JET Lekhpal Merit List 2019 on the home page.
- After the open JET Lekhpal Merit List 2019 click the download link and open in a new tab.
- Candidates can enter the right details to download the JET Lekhpal Merit List 2019 and hit the submit button.
- After the hit button, you can able to download the admit card on your pc and take print out for examination.
- Best luck for your future.
Click Here >>> JET Lekhpal Result 2019