www.biharboard.ac.in 10th Result 2019 BSEB Martic (Class X) Result Name Wise
www.biharboard.ac.in 10th Result 2019 : – Hey Friends, The Bihar School Examination Board will be published the Bihar Board 10th Result 2019 or BSEB Class 10 matric results 2019. Huge numbers of students have appeared in the Bihar Board Matric Exam 2019. Now the students are curiously searching the Bihar Board Matric Result 2019 on the official website. The officials Bihar School Examination Board will put out the Bihar Board Class 10 results 2019 Name Wise on its official website. And the official link of the BSEB is www.biharboard.ac.in.
www.biharboard.ac.in 10th Result 2019 Name Wise
The official department has conducted the Bihar Board Class 10 exams 2019 from February to February 2019 at the various centers in the Bihar State. The practical examinations were held from January to January 2019. Now the department will be released the biharboard.ac.in 10th Result 2019 Name Wise on the June 2019. So candidates please bookmarks this article for the latest updates regarding the result of the Bihar Board 10th Exam 2019. Here we provide the latest details regarding the result/ score card of the BSEB 10th Matric Exam 2019.
बीएसईबी बिहार बोर्ड 10 वीं परिणाम 2019
बीएसईबी बिहार बोर्ड 10 वीं परिणाम 2019: बिहार स्कूल परीक्षा बोर्ड (बीएसईबी) जल्दी ही अपनी वेबसाइट पर बीएसईबी 10 वीं परिणाम 2019 घोषित करने वाला है । दरअसल, बिहार बोर्ड के एक अधिकारी ने बताया कि बोर्ड परीक्षा परिणाम की घोषणा की अगले कुछ दिनों में की जाएगी । बीएसईबी 10 वि बोर्ड परिणाम 2019 इस महीने में घोषित किया जाएगा। बीएसई 10 वीं परिणाम 2019 आधिकारिक वेबसाइट biharboard.ac.in पर घोषित किया जाएगा।
बिहार 10 वीं परिणाम 2019 biharboard.ac.in
बीएसईबी बिहार स्कूल परीक्षा बोर्ड अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट biharboard.ac.in पर बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 10 के परिणाम 2019 या बिहार मैट्रिक परिणाम 2019, बिहार कक्षा 10 मैट्रिक परिणाम 2019 प्रकाशित करेगा। बिहार स्कूल परीक्षा बोर्ड बीएसईबी ने फरवरी से फरवरी तक बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 10 मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2019 का आयोजन किया। व्यावहारिक परीक्षा जनवरी से जनवरी तक आयोजित की गई।
BSEB 10th Board Exam Result 2019 for Regular & Private
BSEB Board conducts the annually Class 10th Board examination in the month of February and supplementary school examination in the month of March on the basis of the course/ syllabus as the prescribed by the state govt. The Bihar School Examination Board every year conducts 10th and 10th annual examinations. In 2018-2019 year, Massive numbers of students were participate for BSEB Board 10th Class Exams. These exam were hold by BSEB Board within the state as per given time table. Finally the board is responsible for announcement of BSEB 10th Result 2019 Name Wise for all appeared contenders. The official web portal of the BSEB is www.biharboard.ac.in. Here you can check the BSEB Bihar Board Matric Result 2019 for Regular and Private Students.
How to download BSEB 10th Board Result 2019 Name Wise?
- Visit the official link of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB)
- After it go the BSEB Board 10th Class Result Link
- Submit your roll number or Hall Ticket number and Name along with other details
- Submit it and
- Your BSEB Board 10th Class Result 2019 will be display on the screen
- Check all the details of your BSEB Board 10th Result 2019
- Download PDF or take a printout for future reference
- Close the current window.
BSEB Board Class 10th Result 2019: – www.biharboard.ac.in
For more information regarding the BSEB Board 10th Result 2019. Students please visit the official website of the Board. Candidates please share this post on the social networking sites for the other users.