DMW Patiala Apprentice Merit List 2020 यहाँ देंखे Trade Apprentice Result

By | March 30, 2020

DMW Patiala Apprentice Merit List 2020 यहाँ देंखे Trade Apprentice Result

Hello, friends welcome to our education website lots of applicants wants to know more about Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW) recruitment 2020. So in this post we will cover all the important points you just need to exactly read the full article and grab all the information. Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW), Patiala has announced the recruitment of Trade Apprentice. Those candidates you have complete their examination on the official date. So all they are waiting for the DMW Patiala Apprentice Result 2020 on the web but our team will give you right information in this post only you can get read our article and get your DMW Patiala Apprentice Merit List 2020 access the link bottom of this post.

DMW Patiala Apprentice Merit List 2020 Result

Are you looking for DMW Patiala Apprentice Merit List 2020 so you are in a right place to making this post is the main reason is providing complete information regarding Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW), Patiala Recruitment 2020? Recently DMW Recruit 182 vacancies of the trade Apprentice posts. A thousand of candidates have take participate in the examination now all they are eagerly waiting for the DMW Apprentice 2020 result but board till now didn’t Release date so candidates don’t worry about this you just follow over website page and getting the latest information from this page. Our team will share on important of in the bottom of this article you just find out the official link and get access to the DMW Patiala Trade Apprentice Result 2020.

DMW Patiala Trade Apprentice Result 2020 Pdf Download

The result of the DMW Patiala Trade Apprentice Result 2020 is available now our team will give you all the necessary information in this post. To making this post is the main reason for providing all information regarding the DMW Apprentice result 2020. If you want to more information you just need to access Those candidates who have select for the further round like document process and interview we can check the DMW Trade Apprentice Result 2020 Pdf by visiting the official website of (DMW) and enter the required details of enrollment number or registration number, DOB on the official login page. So, Candidates stick this website for an upcoming update and result notification.

DMW Apprentice Merit List 2020 Pdf

Every exam is entrance is the base of merit list so you can check the DMW Apprentice Merit List 2020 Pdf Download. Every candidate needs to secure the cutoff marks to qualify for the written exam. Check DMW Trade Apprentice Cutoff Marks 2020 by visiting the official website of Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW), Patiala and candidates please note down all important points which is given by in this article our team will give you all the important points at the bottom of this article you just follow instruction and you will get the instant DMW Patiala Merit List 2020.

DMW Patiala Apprentice Merit List 2020 यहाँ देंखे Trade Apprentice Result

Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW), Patiala Apprentice Result 2020 Details

Name of Recruitment Board Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW), Patiala
Name of Post Trade Apprentice
No. of Post 182 Post
Start Date of Online Form 27-02-2020
End date of Online Form 26-03-2020
Article Category Merit List
Type of Jobs Railway Job’s
Job Location Patiala only
Selection Process Merit List Based
Merit List Status Release Soon
Official Website Result 2020 Trade Apprentice

Department of Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW), Patiala will declare Trade Apprentice Result 2020 on the homepage applicant’s candidates can check DMW Apprentice Merit List 2020 from here. DMW Trade Apprentice Cut off Marks 2020 aspirant can check using the roll number and registration number and date of birth. Just you can click the official link and you will get the hard copy of their score and you will take the decision of future.

DMW Patiala Apprentice Vacancy Details 2020

Electrician 70
Mechanic (Diesel) 40
Machinist 32
Fitter 23
Welder (G&E) 17

How to download DMW Apprentice Result 2020 & Trade Apprentice Merit List?

  • All candidates visit the of DMW. (Given link below)
  • Find Trade Apprentice result 2020 click the link to results.
  • Fill the required details in the given boxes.
  • Hit the submit button and view the result.
  • Finally, download or take a printout of the result for further reference.
  • All the best for all the best future.

Click Here >>> DMW Trade Apprentice Result 2020

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