Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2020 Pdf download in Hindi Exam Pattern
The Haryana Police Recruitment Department Haryana will plan to organised the recruitment for various posts like as Constable, Sub Inspector and Head Constable, ASI, Fireman and Driver and more other for Both Male & Female contenders. There are various vacancies in the Haryana Police Constable. Contenders we are going to the applied application form for the Constable posts after released the date online and when we will get looking for the Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2020 Pdf Download so this we are going to provide detailed information about the Haryana Police Syllabus 2020 Pdf download. Haryana Police Constable, SI Syllabus 2020 in Hindi.
Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2020 Pdf download in Hindi
Here we have provides you Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2020 Pdf download along with the model paper. So you can stay tuned with us for latest updates. Candidates can check also the official portal of Haryana Police Recruitment Department. SO all eligible who applying in the Haryana Police they must check these information and start doing preparation as per that. Check Haryana police Syllabus 2020 Pdf Download.
Haryana Police Syllabus 2020 Pdf download in Hindi
Candidates who have start their Exam Preparation of Haryana Police Recruitment 2020. We have suggest to them that they can visit official portal or our page for checking latest updates here. We have given here the Haryana Police Constable New Exam Pattern 2020. So you can get your Haryana Police Syllabus 2020 PDF download in Hindi easily. Recently the Police Recruitment Board publishes Vacant Posts Recruitment notification to fill the vacant posts. The Haryana Police is responsible for law enforcement in the state of Haryana India. The mission of Haryana Police is the Safety security cooperation and order and the enforcement of the constitution of India. Check Haryana Police Constable, SI Exam Date 2020.
haryanapoliceonline.gov.in Constable Syllabus 2020 Subject Wise Exam Pattern pdf
Entrants who are going to attempt the Haryana Police Constable Examination 2020, they must check the Haryana Police Constable Exam Pattern 2020 also. We have below provided the Constable Exam Pattern of Haryana Police Constable.
- The written test will be Objective Type (MCQs).
- There will be 1 composite paper carrying 100 marks.
- Each question will carry 0.80 marks, so paper will be total 80 marks.
- The exam duration will be 1:30 hours.
- The examination medium will be Hindi & English.
- There will be at least 10 question relating to Computer Knowledge Basic.
Selection Process for Haryana Police Constable Exam 2020:
- Written Examination
- Physical Measurement Test
- Physical Screening Test
- Scrutiny of Documents
- Interview-cum-Personality Test
Download Haryana Police Constable Syllabus, Previous Yearsw Question Paper pdf
- Name of the department: – Haryana Police Recruitment Board
- Post Name: – Constable
- Exam Date: – Release Soon
- Category: – Haryana Police Constable Syllabus, Previous Years Question Paper
- Total jobs Form: – Various
Download Haryana Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2020 Chapter Wise
General Studies:
- In this section, objective of questions about general knowledge are asked.
- It is conducted to test awareness about surrounding activities of applicants.
- Have a glance on topics covered under it.
- History of India (Haryana mostly)
General Studies
- Adjacent Countries
- Culture
- Committees & Commissions.
- Books & Authors.
- Appointments.
- Current Affairs – National & International.
- Important Places.
- Burning Issues and Disputes.
- Sports.
- Miscellaneous .
- Geography in Haryana Police Paper
- Economical Scenario and Constitution of India
- State Administration
- Political series of Country
- Five-Year Plan
- Contribution of Haryana in National Movement.
- Abbreviations.
- Famous Personalities.
- Knowledge of History/ Facts of Agriculture
- Fruits & Vegetable
- Crop Production
- Soil, Fertility
- Fertilizing, Irrigation and Damage
- Weed/Pests Control
- Types of Crops
- Soil & Land
- Agronomy of Field Crops- I
- General and Economic Entomology
- Vegetable and Fruit-culture
- Agricultural economics and marketing
- Principles of Plant Pathology
- Horticulture
- Plantation and Deforestation etc
- Soils and their management
- Propagation methods in Horticultural crops
- Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Meteorology
- Basic and applied microbiology
- Farm Machinery and Post-harvest Processing
- Soil Nutrient Management
- Energy and Environment
- Crop diseases and their management
- Commercial agriculture
- Dry farming and agroforestry
- Extension methods and audio-visual aids
- Crop pests and their management
- Breeding of Field Crops
- Agronomy of field crops
- Seed production techniques in field crops
- Nursery Technology
- Spices, Plantation, Medicinal plants, and Floriculture
Haryana Police Exam Syllabus:
Animal Husbandry:
- Animal Nutrition and nutritional importance
- Medicine of Veterinary.
- Veterinary Anatomy.
- Parasitology of Veterinary.
- Veterinary Microbiology.
- Public Health of Veterinary.
- Importance of animal
- Livestock farming
- Dairy
- Diseases and symptoms in animal etc.
- Gynecology and Obstetrics of Veterinary.
- Veterinary Surgery and Radiology.
- Pathology of Veterinary.
- Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Animal Science Syllabus for Haryana Police Exam 2020:
- Livestock Production and Management
- Animal Genetics and Breeding
- Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension
- Animal Nutrition
- Veterinary Biochemistry
- Livestock Products Technology
- Veterinary Physiology
- It consists of question of both verbal and non-verbal type.
- Question will be asked from following listed topics.
Reasoning Syllabus for Haryana Police Constable Exam 2020:
- Analogies
- Similarities and differences
- Problem solving
- Discrimination
- Visual Memory
- Data Sufficiency
- Relationship
- Arithmetical computation and other analytical functions
- Venn diagrams
- Relationship concepts
- Ability to observe and distinguish patterns etc
- Decision-Making.
- Figural Series.
- Arithmetical Reasoning.
- Verbal & Figure Classification.
- Directions.
- Analysis & Judgment
General Knowledge:
- History – India & Haryana
- Economics – India & Haryana
- Environmental Studies
- IT & Space
- Science & Technology
- Culture – India & Haryana
- Indian Polity in Haryana Police Constable Syllabus
- Geography – India & Haryana
- Indian Constitution
Current Affairs:
- General Knowledge in Haryana Police Constable Syllabus
- Important dates
- Current Science
- Indian Current Events
- General Science
- Current affairs of National & International news
- Technology, Sports & Culture.
Numerical Ability:
- Percentage.
- Square roots.
- Simplification.
- Number System.
- Decimals & Fraction
- Profit and Loss
- GCF & LCM in Haryana Police Constable Syllabus
- Ratio and Proportion
- Discount.
- Average.
- Mensuration in Haryana Police Constable Syllabus
- Simple & Compound Interest.
- Partnership.
- Time and Work.
- Use of Tables and Graphs.
- Time and Distance.
- Miscellaneous etc.
- Number Systems including questions on Simplification
General Science:
- Scientific methodology concept
- Principles
- Techniques and physics
- Chemistry
- Life sciences (Biology)
- Earth/space sciences
- Technologies etc
Haryana Police Constable Paper Pattern:
- It is an objective type paper containing multiple choice questions.
- There is one combined paper carrying 100 questions.
- Time duration of test will be 01:30 hours (90 minutes).
- Medium of examination shall be Hindi except knowledge of English language.
- Each question shall carry 0.80 marks.
- Entire paper is of 80 marks.
Exam | Name of the Subject | Total Questions | Maximum Marks | Test Duration |
Written Test |
100 | 80 | 90 Minutes |
Check Haryana Police Constable Exam Physical Measurement Test (PMT):
Height in cms (Male) |
Height in centimeters (Female) |
Marks |
172 General Category | 160 General Category | 10 |
169 to 172 For eligible reserve categories as per latest existing Government Reservation Policy | 157 to 160 For eligible reserve categories as per latest existing Government Reservation Policy | |
175 | 163 | 11 |
178 | 166 | 12 |
181 | 169 | 13 |
184 | 172 | 14 |
187 and above | 173 and above | 15 |
Haryana Police Constable Physical Screening Test (PST):
Entrants | Test distance | Qualifying Time |
Male | 5.0 Kilometer | 25 minutes |
Female | 2.5 Kilometer | 15 minutes |
Ex.-serviceman | 13 minutes |
Download Haryana Police Constable Exam Syllabus, Exam Pattern pdf