NABARD Assistant Manager Syllabus 2018, NABARD Asst Manager Grade A & B Preliminary Exam Pattern, Syllabus pdf, NABARD Asst Manager Prelims, Mains Model paper, Sample Paper, NABARD Assistant Manager Previous years solved question paper pdf, NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A & Preliminary Exam Syllabus pdf at
NABARD Assistant Manager Syllabus 2018 – Hello Friends, The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development will be released the NABARD Assistant Manager Syllabus 2018 on the official web portal here. The contenders who have applied the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Asst. Manager Application form before the last date, they can download the NABARD Assistant Manager Syllabus, Exam Pattern pdf 2018 from the link attached in the below sections. You can also download the NABARD Assistant Manager Preliminary and Mains Exam Patter, Syllabus pdf. Here we also provide the official link of the department to download the NABARD Assistant Manager Syllabus 2018 Pre, Mains Grade A & B Exam Pattern along with the sample paper, model paper pdf.
NABARD Assistant Manager Pre, Mains Syllabus, Exam Pattern 2018
NABARD Assistant Manager Pre, Mains Syllabus: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development has released the online applications for the posts of Manager (Grade B) and Assistant Manager (Grade A) in the Rural Development Banking Service of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Asst Manager Recruitment is taking place to fill 91 vacancies for Grade A and 17 vacancies for Grade B. Since National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is a very reputed Public Sector Bank, there is a lot of competition for these posts. The NABARD Phase I (Prelims) Exam is going to take place 12 May 2018. The first step to prepare for this exam is to know the syllabus for NABARD Recruitment Exam. This post will provide you with the detailed NABARD Assistant Manager Pre, Mains Syllabus, Exam Pattern 2018 . Download NABARD Asst Manager Exam Admit Card 2018.
NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A, B Prelims Exam Pattern pdf 2018
Examination Type | Name of the Topics | Maximum Marks | Test Timje |
Objective Type | Reasoning | 20 | 2 Hours |
Computer Knowledge | 40 | ||
English Language | 20 | ||
Quantitative Aptitude | 20 | ||
General Awareness | 20 | ||
Agriculture and Rural Development (with Focus on Rural India) | 40 | ||
Economic & Social Issues (with Focus on Rural India) | 40 | ||
Total | 200 |
- NABARD Exam contains objective questions.
- The test has 7 sections.
- Total Marks: – 200.
- Total Time: – 120 Minutes
NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A, B Mains Exam Pattern pdf 2018
Paper | Type of Exam | Name of the Topics | Total Marks | Test Time |
Paper I | Descriptive | English | 100 | 1 Hour 30 Minutes |
Paper II | Objective | Economic & Social Issues, Agriculture & Rural Development, Aspirants applying for Agri. post have the exam in the related discipline | 100 | 1 Hour 30 Minutes |
Total | 200 Marks | 3 hours | Assistant Manager {AM} Gr A, B Prelims Exam Syllabus 2018 Model Paper
Official Website of NABARD | |
Name of the Post | Assistant Manager Grade A and Grade B Posts |
Total Posts | 92 vacancies |
Category of this article | NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A, B Exam Pattern pdf 2018 Prelims, Mains Syllabus |
Online Application Form released on | 13th March 2018 |
Last Date | 2nd April 2018 |
NABARD Asst Manager Prelims Date | 12th May 2018 |
NABARD Asst Manager Mains Date | 6th June 2018 |
NABARD Call Letter Release Date | Before 10 Days of the examination |
NABARD Asst Manager Syllabus for Prelims Exam
- Coding-Decoding.
- Number Ranking.
- Arithmetical Computation.
- Arithmetical Number Series.
- Number Series.
- Non-Verbal Series.
- Analogy.
- Embedded Figures.
- Arrangements.
- Mirror Images.
- Directions.
- Figure Classification.
- Clocks & Calendars.
- Problem Solving.
- Decision Making.
- Relationship Concepts.
- Verbal and Figure Classification.
- Blood Relations

NABARD Assistant Manager Syllabus 2018 Pre, Mains Grade A & B Exam Pattern pdf
Quantitative Aptitude:
- Use of Tables and Graphs.
- Time and Work
- Time and Distance.
- Computation of Whole Numbers
- Number Systems.
- Averages.
- Percentages.
- Profit and Loss.
- Discount.
- Decimals and Fractions.
- Ratio and Proportion.
- Interest.
- Mensuration.
General Awareness:
- Sports.
- International & National Organizations.
- Countries & Capitals.
- Current Affairs – National & International.
- Important Financial & Economic News
- Books and Authors.
- Abbreviations.
- Awards and Honors.
- Budget and Five Year Plans.
- Important Days.
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
General English:
- Sentence Rearrangement.
- Fill in the Blanks.
- Grammar.
- Idioms & Phrases.
- Comprehension.
- Unseen Passages
- Verb.
- Tenses.
- Articles.
- Synonyms.
- Adverb.
- Subject-Verb Agreement.
- Antonyms.
- Error Correction.
- Vocabulary.
NABARD Asst Manager Syllabus for Mains Exam
- Economics
- Agricultural Economics
- Elementary Statistics for Economics
- Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources
- Cropping patterns in different agro-climatic zones of the country
- Principles of Plant Physiology with reference to plant nutrition
- Enzymes and plant pigments
- Major fruits, plantation crops, vegetables, spices and flower crops
- Diagnosis of pests and diseases of field crops
- Food production and consumption trends in India
- Important features and scope of various types of forestry plantations
- Weeds, their characteristics, dissemination, and association with various crops
- Soil conservation
- Farm management
- Agricultural extension, its importance, and role
- Cell structure, function and cell cycle
- History of plant breeding
- Seed production and processing technologies
Agriculture Engineering
- Engineering in agriculture and rural life
- Agricultural mechanization
- Agricultural produce management
- Fruit and Vegetable Technology
- Vegetables
- Floriculture and Landscape Gardening
- Fruit & Plantation Crops
Food Processing
- Unit Operations
- Technology of Animal Products
- Dairy Technology
- Technology of Food Grains and Legumes
- Flavours
- Packaging Technology
- General
- Energy Value of Foods, Energy Requirement
- Infestation Control and Pesticides
- General Principles of Food Preservation
- Fishery Planning, Finance, and Management
- Post-Harvest Technology in Fishery
- Fundamentals of Extension, Education & Rural Development
- Fishery, Biology of Finfish, Shellfish including Molluscs
- Capture FisheriesFishery Management
- Aquaculture
- Farm Engineering
Animal Husbandry
- Dairy Management and Economics
- Other Species of Livestock (Sheep, Goat, Pig, and Rabbit)
- Meat and Meat Products
- Forage Production
- Animal Genetics and Breeding
- Physiology of Reproduction and Lactation
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Health
Water Resource Development and Management
- Canal Falls, Canal Regulators
- Cross Drainage Works
- Dams and Reservoirs
- Spillage, Gates and Energy Dissipators
- River Control
- Water Requirement of Crops
- Canal Irrigation System
- Hydrology
- Ground Water, Hydrology and Construction of Wells and Tubewells
- Diversion Head Works
Environmental Engineering
- Types of forests in India and their coverage statistics
- Definition and Sources of Pollution
- Ecology and its scope, bio-echers
- Ecosystems of the world
- Forestry
- Forest environments and environmental factors
- Importance of forest
- Economics of forest management
- Forest trees of industrial utility
- Defects and abnormalities of wood
- Natural durability of timber, bamboo and thatch grasses
- Regeneration of Forest
- Environment factor influencing forest vegetation and productivity
- Silviculture
- Silviculture Systems
- Principal groups of plants
- Importance of energy plantation
- Seed orchards, maintenance, and selection of orchards
- Microflora in forestry system
- Definition of social and agro-forestry
- Wood structure, cellular composition
- Importance of wood and minor forest products
- Conversion, extraction, and transportation of timbers and firewood
- Importance of forest pathology
Social Work
- Social Work Research
- Indian Society
- Social Policy
- Problems of Social Structure
- Social Problems And Fields Of Social Work In India
- Concept of Professional Social Work
- Evolution of Social Work
- Development of Social Work Education in India
- Democracy as a Concept
- Social Action as a method of Social Work
- Contemporary Ideologies
- Working with Groups
- Social Welfare Administration
- Social Justice and Welfare Organization
- Understanding Community
- Strategies / Tools in Community Organization
NABARD Asst Manager Syllabus Chartered Accountant
- Financial Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Auditing
Company Secretary
- Financial Structure
- Investments, Loans, and Deposits
- Societies, Co-operative Societies, Trusts, Producer Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships, Economic and Labour Laws
- Securities Laws and Compliances
- Business Communication
- Business Correspondence Related to Personnel
- Economics and Statistics
- Financial
- Accounting, Business Laws
- General and Commercial Laws
- Constitution of India
- Interpretation of Statutes, Law relating to Specific Relief
- Code of Civil Procedure
- Criminal Procedure Code
- Incorporation and its Consequences
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