Rajasthan High Court Group D Result 2018 HCRAJ Driver Cut off, Merit List District Wise
Rajasthan High Court Group D Result 2018: – The Rajasthan High Court has closed the recruitment process for the Group D {Peon and Driver} Post. The official department has closed the RHC Group D Recruitment on the 31 March 2018. Massive numbers of candidates have applied the Rajasthan HC Group D Online Application Form before the last date. Now the High Court of Rajasthan is planning to release the Rajasthan High Court Group D Result 2018 in July 2018. There will be no written examination held for the Group D Exam. The selection of the candidates for the RHC Group D Post will be made purely on the Merit List. So eligible candidates who submitted their recruitment form, they can also check the HCRAJ Driver Cut off, Merit List District Wise.
Rajasthan HC Group D Driver Result 2018 Check Merit List
Eligible contenders can download the Rajasthan HC Group D Driver Result 2018. High Court of Rajasthan has accepted all the online recruitment forms till 31st March 2018. Now the Rajasthan High Court is going to upload Rajasthan HC Group D Driver Merit List 2018 along with Rajasthan High Court Cut Off Marks 2018. It was initially clarified that the selection will be on merit basis of 10th marks. The official department has fixed Cut Off Marks for the Rajasthan High Court Group D Class IV Post. The official authority is going to publish the cut off marks for the RHC Group D Post Category Wise – General – SC – ST – OBC contenders.
HCRAJ Group D Merit List 2018 District Wise Driver Cut off
In Rajasthan High Court Group D Merit List 2018, select contenders will be able to check their name in the list which is release by the official department soon. The official department will release the Rajasthan High Court Group D Cut off District Wise on the official link. So candidates who want to check their result, they stay tuned with us for the latest updates regarding the Cut off , Merit List and Result for the Group D Post. If two contenders will have same Marks in 10th Board, Then the official department provides the priority one who is older in age. SC/ST contenders will get some reservation in selection for the Group D Post.
राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट ग्रुप डी भर्ती मेरिट लिस्ट 2018 चपराशी और ड्राईवर कट ऑफ (जिलेवार)
साथियो, राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट ग्रुप डी भर्ती में चयन के लिए कोई लिखित परीक्षा का आयोजन नहीं किया जायेगा क्योंकि जिन अभ्यर्थियों ने राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट में ग्रुप डी चपराशी और ड्राईवर भर्ती के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन किया हैं उनका चयन 10वीं पास की अंक तालिका में प्राप्त अंको के आधार पर किया जायेगा । और जिला स्तरीय श्रेणीवार (GEN,OBC, SC, ST, TSP) कट ऑफ जारी की जाएगी । हाई कोर्ट ऑफ राजस्थान ग्रुप डी परिणाम जुलाई माह में जारी किया जा सकता हैं । राजस्थान HC Group D कट ऑफ, मेरिट लिस्ट जिलेवार जारी की जाएगी । कट ऑफ में चयनित अभ्यार्थियों को फिर दस्तावेज सत्यापन के लिए बुलावा पत्र भेजा जायेगा ।

Rajasthan High Court Group D Result 2018 HCRAJ Driver Cut off, Merit List District Wise
hcraj.nic.in Group D Cut off Gen, OBC, SC, ST & TSP Non TSP
Contenders also can check the Rajasthan HC Group D Cut off Marks Category Wise from the given below link beneath this page.
Department Name | Rajasthan High Court |
Official Website | hcraj.nic.in |
Post Name | Group D |
Total Post | 2309 |
Category | RHC Group D Cut off 2018 |
Result Date | Release Soon |
Location | Rajasthan |
HC RAJ Class 4 Group D Cut off 2018 Expected Date
It is expect that the official department will release the HC RAJ Class 4 Group D Cut off 2018 in the first week of the July 2018 on the official portal. And the official website of the Rajasthan High Court is hcraj.nic.in. here you can get the whole information regarding the Rajasthan High Court Class 4 Cut off, Merit List and others. So keen candidates stay connected with us for the hottest updates regarding the Cut off for the Group D Post.
Rajasthan HC Group D Result 2018: Click Here
Further information related the Rajasthan High Court Group D Result 2018 HCRAJ Driver Cut off, Merit List you visit the official portal of the Rajasthan High Court Department. Here you can get more information related the High Court of Rajasthan Class IV Cut off.