UP Assistant Teacher Result 2019, UP Sahayak Adhyapak Cut off 2019, UP Basic Teacher Result 2019, UPBEB Sahayak Adhyapak Merit List 2019 available at upbasiceduboard.gov.in
UP Assistant Teacher Result 2019 Cut off Marks
We are informing all of you who also applied for the Uttar Pradesh Assistant Teacher Examination. Uttar Pradesh Education Board recently conducted the examination for assistant teacher recruitment on Dec. 22, 2018. Now the biggest thing is that the sub-board is preparing to release the score card, cut off, merit list on its website. The number of participants in this examination was very high.
All the claimants of this post are now waiting for the result. The results of this examination will be declaration within 1-2 months according to UP boards and previous times result declaration date. You have to be with us for the latest updates about this result. For More Information Connect With us And Scroll Down.
Candidates should have their own entrance letter so that they can provide all the information about the result. Candidates need to put their roll number, name, registration number, on the website to see results.
UP Sahayak Adhyapak Merit List 2019
Whoever has given this test will know that recently Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board had issued employment notices for 69000 vacancies. In the Uttar Pradesh Education Department, the employers showed a lot of interest, and on this basis, the application forms were filled in full volume. Department UP Assistant Teacher Result 2019 will soon declare on its official website. After this the will also issue his merit list. We want to tell all the claimants that the elections will be completed in this phase for this post.
Firstly, the written test and second will be documented verification. After declaring all applications results, you can get your score card from the department’s official website.
UP Basic Teacher Cutoff/Merit List 2019
Uttar Pradesh Professional Examination Board has been conducted Assistant Teacher exam on 6th Jan 2019. Those who have appeared in the exam they are waiting for UP Assistant Teacher Exam Result. Department will release result in Feb 2019. So keep visiting here for new updates regarding result.
We have provided the latest information about UP Teacher Scorecard here. We hope that all of you must check the UP Assistant Teacher Merit List 2019 easily using this article details. You can put your comment here if you face any problem.
UPBEB Sahayak Adhyapak Merit List, Cutoff 2019
Name of Recruitment Board | U.P Secondary Education Service Selection |
Post Name | Assistant Teacher |
Total Post | 69000 Post |
Start Date of Online Form | 06-12-2018 |
End Date of Online Form | 20-12-2018 |
Exam Date | 06-01-2019 |
Article Category | Result |
Admit Card Release Date | 31-12-2018 |
Result Stats | Release Soon |
Job Location | All Over Uttar Pradesh |
Official Website | upbasiceduboard.gov.in |
UPBEB Primary Teacher Result 2019 Result Date
All the applicants can download the cut off marks list from the official website of Uttar Pradesh basic Education Board. UP Board Officers release the cut off marks of UP Assistant Result 2019 on its official website upbasiceduboard.gov.in. All the applicants to be selected for this designation after the passing through the cut off criteria. If you didn’t get above or equal marks of cut off list . then you are not applicable for next step of selection process. For More Information about UP Assistant Teacher Cut Off 2018 keep in touch with us.
Expected Up Primary Teacher Cutoff 2019
Category Name | Cutoff Marks |
General | 72-75 |
OBC | 60-65 |
SC | 55-60 |
ST | 53-57 |
Uttar Pradesh UP Primary Teacher Merit List 2019
Aspirants who fail to reach the Uttar Pradesh Sahayak Adhyapak Cut off they will consider as ineligible for selection. You must keep remember UP Assistant Teacher qualifying Marks will vary from year to years as its preparation criteria. If you qualify the written exam then your details will available in UP Sahayak Adhyapak merit List 2019. All of you will have to download it and search their roll numbers to see if they are selected. We are here showcasing all the important details and essential updates regarding it via this portal.
Merit list calculation process:
- % Marks in 10th (high School) * 10/100
- Percentage Marks in 12th (Intermediate) * 10/100
- % Marks in Graduation * 10/100
- Percentage Marks in BTC * 10/100
How to Check UP Assistant Teacher Result 2019 UPBEB Sahayak Adhyapak Merit List, Cutoff?
- First all the applicant visit at upbasiceduboard.gov.in
- Search and select the link of UP Assistant Teacher Result 2019
- Open the desired link and Click on the result link.
- After that The result page will be displayed on your screen.
- Enter required details and click on submit button
- Now UP Assistant Teacher Exam Result 2019 will display on Screen
- Finally, Check out Sahayak Adhyapak Bharti Pariksha Results and save the scorecard for further use.
Click Here >> UP Assistant Teacher Result 2019
Note : That contender who are unable to find out the correct link to download UP Assistant teacher result 2019 merit list, so you can follow the below provided direct link. All applicants are suggested to follow the simple process that we have mentioned in the following passage point to point. We hope these given step will be helpful for you checking their score in the exam.